Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Willkommen bei der WITec Academy

In der WITec Academy erhalten Sie eine umfassende Schulung in der Bedienung der WITec-Mikroskope und der zugehörigen Software sowie in den Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der WITec-Produktlinie. Egal, ob Sie Anfänger oder erfahrener Anwender sind, unsere Kursstruktur umfasst sowohl grundlegende als auch fortgeschrittene Elemente, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden.

Die Seminare und praktischen Trainingseinheiten der WITec Academy ermöglichen intensive Unterweisung in verschiedene Techniken der Raman- und Rastersondenmikroskopie. In den Kursen werden die neuesten Hardware- und Softwareversionen verwendet. Alle Kurse werden in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Wir hoffen, Sie bei der WITec Academy begrüßen zu dürfen!

Anmeldung zur WITec Academy
WITec Academy Brochure
Ausführlichere Informationen finden Sie in unserer WITec Academy Broschüre (PDF Download).


Die meisten Kurse der Academy finden direkt vor Ort bei WITec in Ulm statt. Alle für das Training benötigten Geräte und Software werden von WITec für Sie gestellt.

Zudem organisieren wir die WITec Academy auch einem online Format. Online Kurse werden auf Anfrage angeboten. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, schreiben Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an Bitte beachten Sie für das online Training (sowohl Einsteiger- als auch Fortgeschrittenenkurs), dass Sie für den gesamten Schulungszeitraum Zugang zu einem WITec Raman-Mikroskop benötigen.

This course is ideally suited for users new to the alpha300 confocal Raman microscopes who require an introduction to the operational principles of the system. A detailed description of the various components will form the basis for a hands-on session using WITec test samples. An introduction to the WITec software concept will play an important role during the training as thorough software knowledge is essential for successful Raman image generation.

This one-day training course is intended for experienced users of alpha300 confocal Raman microscopes as it covers expert-level features of the instruments. During individual hands-on sessions, the participants will have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate the requirements for successful Raman measurements on their own samples. Therefore, participants are encouraged to bring a sample for analysis under the guidance of the instructor. Finally, the course will include a “Tips & Tricks“ session for the various measurement techniques. Participants should have a working knowledge of the operation of the system as well as the software.

Our software training course will cover all aspects of spectral data evaluation and image processing with the WITec Project software. The participants will learn in detail how to process the acquired raw data in order to obtain the most presentable images and graphs for successful publication. Topics relevant to each participant‘s specific focus will be outlined in an “Advanced Individual Data Analysis Tutorial”, in which individual measurements will be processed under the guidance of the instructors. Each attendee will work during the course at an individual computer workstation configured with the latest version of the WITec Project software. As the course will mainly cover expert-level features, the participants should have at least a basic knowledge of the WITec Project software environment.

This course will include a review of basic instrument features and operational principles for the alpha300 AFM and SNOM microscopes. It will then cover a variety of expert-level software and instrumentation operation topics in AFM and SNOM imaging. During an individual sample analysis session, the participants will learn how to apply advanced operational procedures to their own samples for superior results. Participants should have at least a basic knowledge of the operation of the system as well as the software. They will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their applications with WITec scientists.

AFM/SNOM training courses are scheduled upon request. We invite interested customers to contact individually.


Sobald die maximale Teilnehmerzahl erreicht ist, werden alle weiteren Anmeldungen auf eine Warteliste gesetzt.

Anmeldung zur WITec Academy